Monday, March 12, 2012

The Beauty of Earth and Thought

       This is a dynamic design of a dragon and the ocean,seemingly riding the waves of a tempest storm. It is regal, as the dragon symbolizes. My eyes were first drawn to the lines of blue and the lines of white that gives this design shape. It is almost like an incredible painting that has been transferred to the clay.  I love the shape of the stem, decorated in flowers and organic swirls of blue. How amazing this was crafted by a masterful guild. No wonder they wanted to keep the formula of it's creation a secret.
        The book doesn't tell us the size of this flask and it makes my imagination curious. I always revere the skills of an artist, especially in ceramics. It's basically a three dimensional painting with flawless perfection of a concept. This artifact provides a glimpse into the past as an example of a civilized society. Only a civilized society could have given birth to something this planned and thoughtful of an accomplishment. Clay from the earth and design from thought. Beauty from both.